Global Music Industry - Notice Board
This is a special free service to our members that is accessible by the general public globally. Only members of Music Industrapedia can post community notices on our site for free. Alternatively non-members can purchase a classified advertisement on our Global Notice Board.
THE RULES: You can only place a notice within your local country's market place (e.g. Australia), with The exception being that you can place notices in other countries only if you have a proven profile for your music act, business, provide, event or service in those other countries. If you want to place an advert or notice outside your country that we have not approved, then you will need to pay for that portion as a classified ad on our site. For Sale notices are only free for individuals - Music businesses or businesses involved in the sale of music product must purchase classified ads, unless they have partner alignment status with us.
Email us with your Notice to moc.liamg|aidepartsudni.cisum#moc.liamg|aidepartsudni.cisum to place a free notice or email us at moc.liamg|skrowten.edlo.ey#moc.liamg|skrowten.edlo.ey for classified ads.
- Announcements - A List
- For Sale
- Free Stuff
- Gig Guides
- Music Industry Employment Opportunities (Non musician / Non Road Crew Roles)
- Musicians Wanted
- Road Crew Wanted
- Stolen Music Gear Registry
- Wanted To Buy

AFRICAN - MUSIC INDUSTRY NOTICE BOARD Click Here (left) for the All of Africa
- Notice Board - Botswana
- Notice Board - Cameroon
- Notice Board - Egypt
- Notice Board - Ghana
- Notice Board - Kenya
- Notice Board - Nigeria
- Notice Board - Senegal
- Notice Board - South Africa
- Notice Board - The Rest of Africa
ASIAN - MUSIC INDUSTRY NOTICE BOARD Click Here (left) for All of Asia
- Notice Board - China
- Notice Board - Hong Kong
- Notice Board - India
- Notice Board - Indonesia
- Notice Board - Japan
- Notice Board - Malaysia
- Notice Board - Philippines
- Notice Board - Singapore
- Notice Board - South Korea
- Notice Board - Taiwan
- Notice Board - Thailand
- Notice Board - The Rest of Asia
EUROPEAN - MUSIC INDUSTRY NOTICE BOARD Click Here (left) for All of Europe
- Notice Board - Austria
- Notice Board - Belgium
- Notice Board - Czech Republic
- Notice Board - Denmark
- Notice Board - Finland
- Notice Board - France
- Notice Board - Germany
- Notice Board - Greece
- Notice Board - Hungary
- Notice Board - Ireland
- Notice Board - Italy
- Notice Board - Netherlands
- Notice Board - Norway
- Notice Board - Poland
- Notice Board - Portugal
- Notice Board - Russia
- Notice Board - Scandinavia
- Notice Board - Spain
- Notice Board - Sweden
- Notice Board - Switzerland
- Notice Board - Turkey
- Notice Board - UK
- Notice Board - The Rest of Europe
MIDDLE EASTERN - MUSIC INDUSTRY NOTICE BOARD Click Here (left) for the All of the Middle East
- Notice Board - Egypt
- Notice Board - Iran
- Notice Board - Israel
- Notice Board - Lebanon
- Notice Board - Saudi Arabia
- Notice Board - United Arab Emirates
- Notice Board - The Rest of the Middle East
NORTH AMERICAN - MUSIC INDUSTRY NOTICE BOARD Click Here (left) for All of North America
- Notice Board - Canada
- Notice Board - Caribbean
- Notice Board - Central America
- Notice Board - Cuba
- Notice Board - Mexico
- Notice Board - USA America
- Notice Board - The Rest of North America
OCEANIAN & OTHERS - MUSIC INDUSTRY NOTICE BOARD Click Here (left) for All of Australasia, Oceania & Other Territories
- Notice Board - Australia
- Notice Board - New Zealand
- Notice Board - Other Territories
- Notice Board - The Rest of Oceania
SOUTH AMERICAN - MUSIC INDUSTRY NOTICE BOARD Click Here (left) for All of South America
- Notice Board - Argentina
- Notice Board - Brazil
- Notice Board - Chile
- Notice Board - Colombia
- Notice Board - Peru
- Notice Board - Uruguay
- Notice Board - Venezuela
- Notice Board - The Rest of South America
Please Note: We have only listed the major music markets of the world so far on our directory and are happy to include other destinations if we have interest for them; please let us know what other countries you want us to include so that you can then add music industry details that you have for that country's destination - Thanks in advance:Ye Olde Admin.
Search For Anyone or Anything in the Global Music Industry (Current or Defunct)
(Music Artist / Music Industry Person / Record Label / Music Media / Music Retailer / Music Venue, etc.)
Or use our Menu Lists Above (drop down) and to the Side (left) to find what you are looking for