How To Edit Pages - Quickstart

If you are allowed to edit pages in this Site (and all current 'Music Industrapedia' members are), simply click on edit button at the right hand bottom corner of the page. This will open an editing window at the bottom of the page where you can type in story details on the subject and can also contribute formatting code. When you have finished your writing, please click on the save button. The screen will then refresh itself and you will be able to see the page with the included changes you made.

To create a link to a new page, use syntax: [[[new page name]]] or [[[new page name | text to display]]]. Follow the link to create a new page and instantly edit it!


Wikidot Editing Instructions
Creating and editing pages is easy and there are many options that let you to create powerful sites! There are three very useful pages on Wikidot you can visit to learn more:

Learning the Wiki Code
Another great way to learn is to check out the code of the page you are interested in, by going to the bottom right hand corner of the screen and clicking on +Options. You will then see another line of links appear under it when you click on 'Options'. When you see these extra links, choose the link called Page Source and click on it. You should then be able to see the entire wiki code for the page you are on unless its a template page. This same code that your seeing in the Page Source box below is also the same code you will see if you clock on the edit button. The difference is, is that you can change the code in edit mode but onlu view the code in Page Source.

Regarding Template Pages
If the code for the page you are viewing is coming from a template page you will need not be able to view it unless you have been granted administrator privileges at 'Music Industrapedia'. Template pages are off limits to any one other than administrators on this site.

Have a Practice Run using Sandbox
If you would like to play around with wiki code without having to worry about messing things up on Music Industrapedia, please visit the Wiki Dot Sandbox at

Learn our Style, Category and Format rule for Music Industrapedia
Music Industrrapedia has a unique look, style, and set of categories to make it work. Please visit our Industrapedia Content Creation Guide to familiarize yourself with our preferences and make sure your also aware of the Rules of Music Industrapedia

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