1. Page Development
Please let us know if you have any suggestions on how we can improve this page by replying to this post below or alternatively you can contact us directly at moc.liamg|aidepartsudni.cisum#moc.liamg|aidepartsudni.cisum with the email subject name of "Accept Page" if you prefer to discuss this privately or have a submission for this page on that artist / person that you want us to post on your behalf.
2. Story Suggestions
This thread can also be used to suggest and share stories for inclusion on our Accept wiki page. Please create a new post below with a subject on what you wish to say or share regarding this artist for their page representation on Music Industrapedia.
3. General Discussion
We currently do not offer a General Discussion Forum for this particular artist, but if you would like to see one created for them, please email us at moc.liamg|aidepartsudni.cisum#moc.liamg|aidepartsudni.cisum with "Forum Request" in the email subject line and a mention of this particular artist or artists in the body of your email message. We will then consider creating a General Discussion forum for the artists you suggested, if we know it is desired. You can see what current artist forum general discussions we offer on Music Industrapedia by visiting our Major Music Artist Forums list.
Ye Olde - Creator and Chief Admin of www.music-industrapedia.com (Global Music Industry Directory & Encyclopedia) hosted on Wikidot.